Something for you is coming out 02 May 2011 2 min read Categories home Digital transformation Web engineering (e system integration) Web solution e management Fiscolo - Gestione Fatture Life in innove Last months we were busy developing a new app along with a webapp.This is something new, something that you still don't have but we hope will be useful soon.We are working hard to release this idea. Within the same category Play Framework - Maven dependency and missing jar Sometimes some dependency on maven is without the jar file but only the POM so the sbt throw an error.To specify this case in your Build.scala you have to add pomOnly() in your dependency.For example:"org.openid4java" % "openid4java-consumer" % "0.9.6" pomOnly()... 02 May 2 min read newsletter Eager to know our experiences and our attitude? We talk about the digital world and utmost once a month! #wecode #yougrow OK, I trust you! sign me up