Tutorial: consuming Google REST services with Spring
18 min read
This is a simple tutorial on how to have your Spring-enabled application to interact with Google services. I'll focus on GoogleMaps, but you'll be able to use the same idea for every REST service. Also, I'll show you how to have an object oriented approach using Castor to unmarshal the response.
First, have a look at the GoogleMaps service here.
A typical XML response you can retrieve from the service, looks like that
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<formatted_address>1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA</formatted_address>
<long_name>Amphitheatre Pkwy</long_name>
<short_name>Amphitheatre Pkwy</short_name>
<long_name>Mountain View</long_name>
<short_name>Mountain View</short_name>
<long_name>San Jose</long_name>
<short_name>San Jose</short_name>
<long_name>Santa Clara</long_name>
<short_name>Santa Clara</short_name>
<long_name>United States</long_name>
You can refere to the Google documentation at the link provided before for a complete description of this XML document.
Now the question is how to call this service from within your java code and how to handle the result.
Let's proceed with the first problem. SpringWS provides a very useful and ready-to-use class to interact with REST services, RestTemplate. You can refer to the online documentation at this page.
So to consume the service, you only need this
[java]public static void main(String[] args)
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
Map<String, String> vars = new HashMap<String, String>();
vars.put("address", "1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA");
vars.put("sensor", "false");
String result = restTemplate
String.class, vars);
And this is done. Very simple.
Now, the second step. This is a little bit longer, but have no fear!
Look again at the XML response given by Google. It is possible to identify some entity:
Given this, it's quite easy to write the code for this model
public class Location
private double latitude;
private double longitude;
* @return the latitude
public double getLatitude()
return latitude;
* @param latitude
* the latitude to set
public void setLatitude(double latitude)
this.latitude = latitude;
* @return the longitude
public double getLongitude()
return longitude;
* @param longitude
* the longitude to set
public void setLongitude(double longitude)
this.longitude = longitude;
private String latitudeString(){
double lat = getLatitude();
String dir = "N";
dir = "S";
lat *= -1;
return "" + lat + "°" + dir;
private String longitudeString(){
double lng = getLongitude();
String dir = "E";
dir = "W";
lng *= -1;
return "" + lng + "°" + dir;
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString()
return latitudeString() + ", " + longitudeString();
public class Area
private Location southWest;
private Location northEast;
* @return the southWest
public Location getSouthWest()
return southWest;
* @param southWest
* the southWest to set
public void setSouthWest(Location southWest)
this.southWest = southWest;
* @return the northEast
public Location getNorthEast()
return northEast;
* @param northEast
* the northEast to set
public void setNorthEast(Location northEast)
this.northEast = northEast;
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString()
String s = "";
s += "SW:" + getSouthWest().toString() +
" NE:" + getNorthEast().toString();
return s;
public class Geometry
private Location location;
private String locationType;
private Area viewport;
private Area bounds;
* @return the location
public Location getLocation()
return location;
* @param location
* the location to set
public void setLocation(Location location)
this.location = location;
* @return the locationType
public String getLocationType()
return locationType;
* @param locationType
* the locationType to set
public void setLocationType(String locationType)
this.locationType = locationType;
* @return the viewport
public Area getViewport()
return viewport;
* @param viewport
* the viewport to set
public void setViewport(Area viewport)
this.viewport = viewport;
* @return the bounds
public Area getBounds()
return bounds;
* @param bounds
* the bounds to set
public void setBounds(Area bounds)
this.bounds = bounds;
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString()
String s = "";
s += "LOC:" + getLocation().toString() + " [" + getLocationType()
+ "]\n";
if (getViewport() != null)
s += "VIEWPORT:" + getViewport().toString() + "\n";
if (getBounds() != null)
s += "BOUNDS:" + getBounds().toString() + "\n";
return s;
public class AddressComponent
private String longName;
private String shortName;
private Collection<String> types = new ArrayList<String>();
* @return the longName
public String getLongName()
return longName;
* @param longName
* the longName to set
public void setLongName(String longName)
this.longName = longName;
* @return the shortName
public String getShortName()
return shortName;
* @param shortName
* the shortName to set
public void setShortName(String shortName)
this.shortName = shortName;
* @return the types
public Collection<String> getTypes()
return types;
* @param types
* the types to set
public void setTypes(Collection<String> types)
this.types = types;
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString()
String s = "";
s+="Short name: " + getShortName() + "\n";
s+="Long name: " + getLongName() + "\n";
s+="Types: ";
int i = 0;
for (String t : getTypes())
s+=", ";
return s;
public class Geocode
private Collection<String> types = new ArrayList<String>();
private String formattedAddress;
private Collection<AddressComponent> addressComponents = new ArrayList<AddressComponent>();
private Geometry geometry;
private boolean partialMatch;
* @return the types
public Collection<String> getTypes()
return types;
* @param types
* the types to set
public void setTypes(Collection<String> types)
this.types = types;
* @return the formattedAddress
public String getFormattedAddress()
return formattedAddress;
* @param formattedAddress
* the formattedAddress to set
public void setFormattedAddress(String formattedAddress)
this.formattedAddress = formattedAddress;
* @return the addressComponents
public Collection<AddressComponent> getAddressComponents()
return addressComponents;
* @param addressComponents
* the addressComponents to set
public void setAddressComponents(
Collection<AddressComponent> addressComponents)
this.addressComponents = addressComponents;
* @return the geometry
public Geometry getGeometry()
return geometry;
* @param geometry
* the geometry to set
public void setGeometry(Geometry geometry)
this.geometry = geometry;
* @return the partialMatch
public boolean isPartialMatch()
return partialMatch;
* @param partialMatch
* the partialMatch to set
public void setPartialMatch(boolean partialMatch)
this.partialMatch = partialMatch;
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString()
String s = "";
s += getFormattedAddress() + "\n";
s+="Types: ";
int i = 0;
for (String t : getTypes())
s+=", ";
for (AddressComponent component : getAddressComponents())
s+="PARTIAL: " + ( isPartialMatch() ? "true" : "false" );
return s;
public class GeocodeResponse
private String status;
private Collection<Geocode> geocodes = new ArrayList<Geocode>();
* @return the status
public String getStatus()
return status;
* @param status
* the status to set
public void setStatus(String status)
this.status = status;
* @return the geocodes
public Collection<Geocode> getGeocodes()
return geocodes;
* @param geocodes the geocodes to set
public void setGeocodes(Collection<Geocode> geocodes)
this.geocodes = geocodes;
Now we have our object model, but still we need something to translate XML to an object graph. Castor is very helpful for this kind of purpose. To set Castor up I'll use spring-beans.
In order to do so, what we need first is the XML mapping for our objects. We need it to instruct Castor on how to deal with them. let's create the file geocode.xml in the same package as our App.java file. This file will look like this
[xml]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapping PUBLIC "-//EXOLAB/Castor Mapping DTD Version 1.0//EN" "http://castor.org/mapping.dtd">
<class name="it.innove.google.Location" auto-complete="false">
<map-to xml="Location" />
<field name="latitude" type="double">
<bind-xml name="lat" node="element" />
<field name="longitude" type="double">
<bind-xml name="lng" node="element" />
<class name="it.innove.google.Area" auto-complete="false">
<map-to xml="Area" />
<field name="southWest" type="it.innove.google.Location">
<bind-xml name="southwest" node="element" />
<field name="northEast" type="it.innove.google.Location">
<bind-xml name="northeast" node="element" />
<class name="it.innove.google.Geometry" auto-complete="false">
<map-to xml="Geometry" />
<field name="locationType" type="string">
<bind-xml name="location_type" node="element" />
<field name="location" type="it.innove.google.Location">
<bind-xml name="location" node="element" />
<field name="viewport" type="it.innove.google.Area">
<bind-xml name="viewport" node="element" />
<field name="bounds" type="it.innove.google.Area">
<bind-xml name="bounds" node="element" />
<class name="it.innove.google.AddressComponent" auto-complete="false">
<map-to xml="AddressComponent" />
<field name="longName" type="string">
<bind-xml name="long_name" node="element" />
<field name="shortName" type="string">
<bind-xml name="short_name" node="element" />
<field name="types" type="string" collection="arraylist">
<bind-xml name="type" node="element" />
<class name="it.innove.google.Geocode" auto-complete="false">
<map-to xml="Geocode" />
<field name="formattedAddress" type="string">
<bind-xml name="formatted_address" node="element" />
<field name="types" type="string" collection="arraylist">
<bind-xml name="type" node="element" />
<field name="addressComponents" type="it.innove.google.AddressComponent"
<bind-xml name="address_component" node="element" />
<field name="geometry" type="it.innove.google.Geometry">
<bind-xml name="geometry" node="element" />
<field name="partialMatch" type="boolean">
<bind-xml name="partial_match" node="element" />
<class name="it.innove.google.GeocodeResponse" auto-complete="false">
<map-to xml="GeocodeResponse" />
<field name="status" type="string">
<bind-xml name="status" node="element" />
<field name="geocodes" type="it.innove.google.Geocode" collection="arraylist">
<bind-xml name="result" node="element" />
As you can see, in this file we are merely copying the structure of our objects describing it in XML tags.
Then, we need to setup our application context creating an XML file in our package (the same package as our App.java). Our application-context.xml will look like this
[xml]<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:util="http://www.springframework.org/schema/util"
<bean id="marshaller"
<property name="mappingLocations">
Now we only need to modify our main method like this:
[java]public static void main(String[] args) throws XmlMappingException ,
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
Map<String, String> vars = new HashMap<String, String>();
vars.put("address", "1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA");
vars.put("sensor", "false");
String result = restTemplate
String.class, vars);
ApplicationContext ctx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(
CastorMarshaller marshaller = ctx.getBean("marshaller",
StreamSource s = new StreamSource(new StringReader(result));
GeocodeResponse response = (GeocodeResponse) marshaller.unmarshal(s);
for (Geocode code : response.getGeocodes())
That's all!
As you can see, it is quite simple and straight-forward, even though to have an object-oriented approach you will need to study the XML responses and try to model them in a java class library.
Also, Castor in not the only choice to unmarshal responses, but I'm used to it much more than other libraries.
I hope you'll find useful
First, have a look at the GoogleMaps service here.
A typical XML response you can retrieve from the service, looks like that
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<formatted_address>1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA</formatted_address>
<long_name>Amphitheatre Pkwy</long_name>
<short_name>Amphitheatre Pkwy</short_name>
<long_name>Mountain View</long_name>
<short_name>Mountain View</short_name>
<long_name>San Jose</long_name>
<short_name>San Jose</short_name>
<long_name>Santa Clara</long_name>
<short_name>Santa Clara</short_name>
<long_name>United States</long_name>
You can refere to the Google documentation at the link provided before for a complete description of this XML document.
Now the question is how to call this service from within your java code and how to handle the result.
Let's proceed with the first problem. SpringWS provides a very useful and ready-to-use class to interact with REST services, RestTemplate. You can refer to the online documentation at this page.
So to consume the service, you only need this
[java]public static void main(String[] args)
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
Map<String, String> vars = new HashMap<String, String>();
vars.put("address", "1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA");
vars.put("sensor", "false");
String result = restTemplate
String.class, vars);
And this is done. Very simple.
Now, the second step. This is a little bit longer, but have no fear!
Look again at the XML response given by Google. It is possible to identify some entity:
- Location: a point with lat/lon coordinates.
- Area: a "piece" of the map defined by two Location objects: the south west corner and the north east corner (this is useful for viewport and bounds)
- Geometry: composed by one Location, two Area and one string
- AddressComponent: composed by three strings
- Geocode: the description of a single result, composed by one string, a collection of strings, a collection of AddressComponent, a boolean and one Geometry
- GecodeResponse: this describes the entire response and it is composed by a string value and a collection of Geocode objects
Given this, it's quite easy to write the code for this model
public class Location
private double latitude;
private double longitude;
* @return the latitude
public double getLatitude()
return latitude;
* @param latitude
* the latitude to set
public void setLatitude(double latitude)
this.latitude = latitude;
* @return the longitude
public double getLongitude()
return longitude;
* @param longitude
* the longitude to set
public void setLongitude(double longitude)
this.longitude = longitude;
private String latitudeString(){
double lat = getLatitude();
String dir = "N";
dir = "S";
lat *= -1;
return "" + lat + "°" + dir;
private String longitudeString(){
double lng = getLongitude();
String dir = "E";
dir = "W";
lng *= -1;
return "" + lng + "°" + dir;
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString()
return latitudeString() + ", " + longitudeString();
public class Area
private Location southWest;
private Location northEast;
* @return the southWest
public Location getSouthWest()
return southWest;
* @param southWest
* the southWest to set
public void setSouthWest(Location southWest)
this.southWest = southWest;
* @return the northEast
public Location getNorthEast()
return northEast;
* @param northEast
* the northEast to set
public void setNorthEast(Location northEast)
this.northEast = northEast;
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString()
String s = "";
s += "SW:" + getSouthWest().toString() +
" NE:" + getNorthEast().toString();
return s;
public class Geometry
private Location location;
private String locationType;
private Area viewport;
private Area bounds;
* @return the location
public Location getLocation()
return location;
* @param location
* the location to set
public void setLocation(Location location)
this.location = location;
* @return the locationType
public String getLocationType()
return locationType;
* @param locationType
* the locationType to set
public void setLocationType(String locationType)
this.locationType = locationType;
* @return the viewport
public Area getViewport()
return viewport;
* @param viewport
* the viewport to set
public void setViewport(Area viewport)
this.viewport = viewport;
* @return the bounds
public Area getBounds()
return bounds;
* @param bounds
* the bounds to set
public void setBounds(Area bounds)
this.bounds = bounds;
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString()
String s = "";
s += "LOC:" + getLocation().toString() + " [" + getLocationType()
+ "]\n";
if (getViewport() != null)
s += "VIEWPORT:" + getViewport().toString() + "\n";
if (getBounds() != null)
s += "BOUNDS:" + getBounds().toString() + "\n";
return s;
public class AddressComponent
private String longName;
private String shortName;
private Collection<String> types = new ArrayList<String>();
* @return the longName
public String getLongName()
return longName;
* @param longName
* the longName to set
public void setLongName(String longName)
this.longName = longName;
* @return the shortName
public String getShortName()
return shortName;
* @param shortName
* the shortName to set
public void setShortName(String shortName)
this.shortName = shortName;
* @return the types
public Collection<String> getTypes()
return types;
* @param types
* the types to set
public void setTypes(Collection<String> types)
this.types = types;
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString()
String s = "";
s+="Short name: " + getShortName() + "\n";
s+="Long name: " + getLongName() + "\n";
s+="Types: ";
int i = 0;
for (String t : getTypes())
s+=", ";
return s;
public class Geocode
private Collection<String> types = new ArrayList<String>();
private String formattedAddress;
private Collection<AddressComponent> addressComponents = new ArrayList<AddressComponent>();
private Geometry geometry;
private boolean partialMatch;
* @return the types
public Collection<String> getTypes()
return types;
* @param types
* the types to set
public void setTypes(Collection<String> types)
this.types = types;
* @return the formattedAddress
public String getFormattedAddress()
return formattedAddress;
* @param formattedAddress
* the formattedAddress to set
public void setFormattedAddress(String formattedAddress)
this.formattedAddress = formattedAddress;
* @return the addressComponents
public Collection<AddressComponent> getAddressComponents()
return addressComponents;
* @param addressComponents
* the addressComponents to set
public void setAddressComponents(
Collection<AddressComponent> addressComponents)
this.addressComponents = addressComponents;
* @return the geometry
public Geometry getGeometry()
return geometry;
* @param geometry
* the geometry to set
public void setGeometry(Geometry geometry)
this.geometry = geometry;
* @return the partialMatch
public boolean isPartialMatch()
return partialMatch;
* @param partialMatch
* the partialMatch to set
public void setPartialMatch(boolean partialMatch)
this.partialMatch = partialMatch;
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString()
String s = "";
s += getFormattedAddress() + "\n";
s+="Types: ";
int i = 0;
for (String t : getTypes())
s+=", ";
for (AddressComponent component : getAddressComponents())
s+="PARTIAL: " + ( isPartialMatch() ? "true" : "false" );
return s;
public class GeocodeResponse
private String status;
private Collection<Geocode> geocodes = new ArrayList<Geocode>();
* @return the status
public String getStatus()
return status;
* @param status
* the status to set
public void setStatus(String status)
this.status = status;
* @return the geocodes
public Collection<Geocode> getGeocodes()
return geocodes;
* @param geocodes the geocodes to set
public void setGeocodes(Collection<Geocode> geocodes)
this.geocodes = geocodes;
Now we have our object model, but still we need something to translate XML to an object graph. Castor is very helpful for this kind of purpose. To set Castor up I'll use spring-beans.
In order to do so, what we need first is the XML mapping for our objects. We need it to instruct Castor on how to deal with them. let's create the file geocode.xml in the same package as our App.java file. This file will look like this
[xml]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapping PUBLIC "-//EXOLAB/Castor Mapping DTD Version 1.0//EN" "http://castor.org/mapping.dtd">
<class name="it.innove.google.Location" auto-complete="false">
<map-to xml="Location" />
<field name="latitude" type="double">
<bind-xml name="lat" node="element" />
<field name="longitude" type="double">
<bind-xml name="lng" node="element" />
<class name="it.innove.google.Area" auto-complete="false">
<map-to xml="Area" />
<field name="southWest" type="it.innove.google.Location">
<bind-xml name="southwest" node="element" />
<field name="northEast" type="it.innove.google.Location">
<bind-xml name="northeast" node="element" />
<class name="it.innove.google.Geometry" auto-complete="false">
<map-to xml="Geometry" />
<field name="locationType" type="string">
<bind-xml name="location_type" node="element" />
<field name="location" type="it.innove.google.Location">
<bind-xml name="location" node="element" />
<field name="viewport" type="it.innove.google.Area">
<bind-xml name="viewport" node="element" />
<field name="bounds" type="it.innove.google.Area">
<bind-xml name="bounds" node="element" />
<class name="it.innove.google.AddressComponent" auto-complete="false">
<map-to xml="AddressComponent" />
<field name="longName" type="string">
<bind-xml name="long_name" node="element" />
<field name="shortName" type="string">
<bind-xml name="short_name" node="element" />
<field name="types" type="string" collection="arraylist">
<bind-xml name="type" node="element" />
<class name="it.innove.google.Geocode" auto-complete="false">
<map-to xml="Geocode" />
<field name="formattedAddress" type="string">
<bind-xml name="formatted_address" node="element" />
<field name="types" type="string" collection="arraylist">
<bind-xml name="type" node="element" />
<field name="addressComponents" type="it.innove.google.AddressComponent"
<bind-xml name="address_component" node="element" />
<field name="geometry" type="it.innove.google.Geometry">
<bind-xml name="geometry" node="element" />
<field name="partialMatch" type="boolean">
<bind-xml name="partial_match" node="element" />
<class name="it.innove.google.GeocodeResponse" auto-complete="false">
<map-to xml="GeocodeResponse" />
<field name="status" type="string">
<bind-xml name="status" node="element" />
<field name="geocodes" type="it.innove.google.Geocode" collection="arraylist">
<bind-xml name="result" node="element" />
As you can see, in this file we are merely copying the structure of our objects describing it in XML tags.
Then, we need to setup our application context creating an XML file in our package (the same package as our App.java). Our application-context.xml will look like this
[xml]<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:util="http://www.springframework.org/schema/util"
<bean id="marshaller"
<property name="mappingLocations">
Now we only need to modify our main method like this:
[java]public static void main(String[] args) throws XmlMappingException ,
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
Map<String, String> vars = new HashMap<String, String>();
vars.put("address", "1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA");
vars.put("sensor", "false");
String result = restTemplate
String.class, vars);
ApplicationContext ctx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(
CastorMarshaller marshaller = ctx.getBean("marshaller",
StreamSource s = new StreamSource(new StringReader(result));
GeocodeResponse response = (GeocodeResponse) marshaller.unmarshal(s);
for (Geocode code : response.getGeocodes())
That's all!
As you can see, it is quite simple and straight-forward, even though to have an object-oriented approach you will need to study the XML responses and try to model them in a java class library.
Also, Castor in not the only choice to unmarshal responses, but I'm used to it much more than other libraries.
I hope you'll find useful