Split payments available for e-commerce
2 min read
One of the most important news on payments in 2020, which will continue for the next few years, is the possibility of split the payments when you buy something online.
Various startups are entering the landscape and the big players are already following the trend.
All these platforms require to sign up and the use of a credit card. The purchase will therefore never be "transparent" for the user who will necessarily have to enter his data in order to complete the transaction.
The money is paid by the platform to the seller who will immediately have the amount available. It is responsibility of the platform to recover the various splits and decide whether or not to accept the payments.
Let's quickly see the most used solutions to date, the costs are indicative and they can be different based on the country:
American company. The European brand of Afterpay. Allows 30-day deferred payment and/or 3 interest-free splits.
Cost: 3,9% + 0,10€ per transaction
Startup svedese, ha un'app di appoggio. Ha condizioni diverse per paese quindi per la nazione del cliente. Permette il pagamento posticipato di 30 giorni e/o le 3 rate senza interessi.
Swedish startup, has a support app. It has different conditions for each country. Allows 30-day deferred payment and/or 3 interest-free splits.
Cost: 3.9% per transaction
Non credo servano molte presentazioni, il pagamento a rate è stato aggiunto da poco e con poca enfasi, viene proposta all'utente durante la finalizzazione della transazione.
I don't think many introductions are needed. The split payments has been recently added and the choice appears when finalizing the transaction.
Cost: 3,4% + 0,35€ per transaction, does not vary from the standard payment
Italian startup, has a support app. It allows the purchase in a physical store and the payment in 3 splits without interests. The seller can also generate a link to be sent to a customer to make a payment.
Costo: ??? it was not possible to get information
Italian startup, allows you to divide into 3 interest-free splits. It also has other features such as "Group payments" and "Sustainable payment".
Cost: 3,9%+0,25€ per transaction
Various startups are entering the landscape and the big players are already following the trend.
All these platforms require to sign up and the use of a credit card. The purchase will therefore never be "transparent" for the user who will necessarily have to enter his data in order to complete the transaction.
The money is paid by the platform to the seller who will immediately have the amount available. It is responsibility of the platform to recover the various splits and decide whether or not to accept the payments.
Let's quickly see the most used solutions to date, the costs are indicative and they can be different based on the country:
clearpay.comAmerican company. The European brand of Afterpay. Allows 30-day deferred payment and/or 3 interest-free splits.
Cost: 3,9% + 0,10€ per transaction
klarna.comStartup svedese, ha un'app di appoggio. Ha condizioni diverse per paese quindi per la nazione del cliente. Permette il pagamento posticipato di 30 giorni e/o le 3 rate senza interessi.
Swedish startup, has a support app. It has different conditions for each country. Allows 30-day deferred payment and/or 3 interest-free splits.
Cost: 3.9% per transaction
paypal.comNon credo servano molte presentazioni, il pagamento a rate è stato aggiunto da poco e con poca enfasi, viene proposta all'utente durante la finalizzazione della transazione.
I don't think many introductions are needed. The split payments has been recently added and the choice appears when finalizing the transaction.
Cost: 3,4% + 0,35€ per transaction, does not vary from the standard payment
scalapay.comItalian startup, has a support app. It allows the purchase in a physical store and the payment in 3 splits without interests. The seller can also generate a link to be sent to a customer to make a payment.
Costo: ??? it was not possible to get information
splittypay.comItalian startup, allows you to divide into 3 interest-free splits. It also has other features such as "Group payments" and "Sustainable payment".
Cost: 3,9%+0,25€ per transaction
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