Make your website more engaging. Easily explained. 24 August 2011 2 minuti di lettura Categorie home Digital transformation Web engineering (e system integration) Web solution e management Fiscolo - Gestione Fatture Vita di innove 7 principles that make your website more engaging. Easily explained. Dalla stessa categoria Website response times The human behavior surfing a website?Here's what Jakob Nielsen wrote about. It's pretty interesting and it means that a website responsiveness should be under the second. 0.l seconds gives the feeling of instantaneous response — that is, the outcome feels like... 24 August 2 minuti di lettura newsletter Curioso di conoscere le nostre esperienze e il nostro punto di vista? Le nostre news parlano di mondo digitale e arrivano solo una volta al mese! #wecode #yougrow Ok, mi fido! registrami